Installation of a copy of David on the dome of the Florence Cathedral



project start date

CULTER per Florens 2010 nell’ambito della Settimana dei beni culturali ed ambientali


Opera di Santa Maria del Fiore


Sovrintendenza ai beni architettonici, ambientali e paesaggistici - Firenze, Pistoia e Prato


Studi d’Arte Cave Michelangelo, Carrara  di Franco Barattini - Luciano Massari


Tradizioni Popolari Fiorentine, Palagio di Parte Guelfa


Comune di Firenze

time period

12 to 20 November 2010


Florens 2010


Associazione Culturale  CULTER - Enrica Maria Paoletti, Chiara Damiani


Florence, Italy

technical design

Marco Meozzi, Architect  & Vanni Meozzi , Architect

construction supervisor

Marco Meozzi, Architect

structural engineer

Mario Ciatti, Consulting Engineer

safety coordinators

Paola Falaschi, Architect  & Claudio Riggio Engineer  for  PROGEM

scientific consultants

Sergio Risaliti - Francesco Vossilla


Loredana Terminio, Massimo Carotti, Rossella De Luca, Argentina Giusti, Lucia Guida


Opera Santa Maria del Fiore - Studi d'Arte Cave Michelangelo  - Impresa CAF


- Aparte Arte No.10 Periodico Associazione Pecci


- Panorama  11-11-2010


- Winter 2011 No.17 Firenze   Made In Tuscany




















This project started as an homage to one of the greatest masterpieces of Italian and Florentine sculpture, known all over the world. The effort re-ignited a cultural clash that began with the very creation of the work. In 1504, when Michelangelo’s David was first shown to the city, a controversy erupted over its placement within the city. Some wanted it to be located in front of the Cathedral, others in the Loggia dei Lanzi and yet others at the entrance to the Palazzo Vecchio. The concerns were not only the architectural and urban design issues of the day, but more importantly, the political and religious implications. At issue was not only the city’s historical self-image as the ‘David’ versus Goliath, but also one of the great dilemmas of Rennaisance Italy - the conflict of the increasingly humanist/secular sensitivities versus the role of the church.


The essence of the project was to explore the issues of placing the sculpture in the different locations originally contemplated. A life-size replica of David, made from fiberglass and powdered marble, was fabricated by the firm Art Studies Cave Michelangelo. During the Florens 2010 festival, the light weight piece was then installed on the dome of the Florence Cathedral and other locations in a way that could only be imagined by the great artists of the age including Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli and Michelangelo, himself. The Installations coincided with readings of historical documents highlighting the controversies over the respective locations.