exhibition of contemporary New Zealand architecture – designs by 15 studios in Auckland (NZ)  



project start date


time period

May10 – June 20, 2008


Prof. Tony van Raat - Head of the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture


Prof. Maria Anna Franceschini - Art Institute of Florence


Marco Meozzi - Massimo Lastrucci - Luca Piantini,  Architects


Florence - Plaster Casts Gallery of the National Art Institute of Porta Romana Florence

exhibition design

Prof. Tony van Raat - Massimo Lastrucci - Marco Meozzi - Luca Piantini , Architects


Rick Pearson

catalogue and graphics

Diana Curtis


Jacopo Detti, Architect

in collaboration with

Regione Toscana


City of Firenze


National Institute of Art -NZ


New Zealand Institute of Architects Incorporated Auckland -NZ


Unitec Istitute of Technology,  Auckland -NZ

financial support

Warren Trust for Architecture


The Auckland Branch of the NZIA


- LA REPUBBLICA May 24, 2008- Cronaca Firenze- ‘Nuova Zelanda Abitare la natura’


- IL GIORNALE DELL’ARCHITETTURA  n. 62 May 2008-Mostre p. 50






bollettino Arch’IT news












This was the first overview of New Zealand architecture held in Europe. The  Florence exhibition explored themes of the house, of the dwelling, of private space, reflecting on the contemporary meaning of living as seen from the point of view of some of the most important architects in New Zealand.

The show included 30 designs for houses by 15 professional studios located in Auckland: Scarlet Architects, Mitchell&Stout Architects, Fearon Hay, Cheshire Architects, Crosson Clarke Carnachan, Moller Architects, Pete Bossley Architects, Strachan Group Architects, Herbst Architects, Stevens Lawson, Architectus, Noel Lane Architects, Malcolm Walker Architects, Andrew Patterson, Cook Sargisson Tarrant & Pirie.


In order to improve his designs, an architect – in all places and at all times – needs to gain ideological perspectives which shed light on the reality of human experience. In New Zealand this often means establishing a relationship between Man and Nature, which is the frame of reference for any reflection, the paradigm of any creative impulse.

The “Trenta Case/Thirty Houses” exhibition was held inside the charged space of the Gipsoteca dell'Istituto Statale d’Arte di Porta Romana in Florence. This space hosts the plaster models of an amazing series of masterpieces from the Renaissance, the period which left its most illustrious masterpieces in the city. The idea was to create a parallel between experiences that are very far apart but, precisely because of this physical and temporal remoteness, form the basis of exchange and relation.

The event originated from cultural exchanges which had, previously and for some time, been activated and developed in two different forms of cooperation:

-the more institutional form included an exchange program in July 2005 between the Ordine  degli Architetti di Prato and the New  Zealand Institute of Architects Incorporated, Auckland; to this can be added the friendly relations between the University of Florence Architecture Department and the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ScALA) at the  Unitec Istitute of Technology in Auckland.

-the more personal form of cooperation between prof. Tony Van Raat, Director of the School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ScALA) at the Unitec Istitute of Technology in Auckland and the Italian professors who worked to promote the event.